Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pictures of the Kiddos

It's that time of year when you send out the Christmas cards and you just HAVE to get new pictures of the family. So we went down south of our home to some Pecan Groves where I had alot of fun taking pictures of the kiddos. I'm nowhere near professional but hey I thought they turned out pretty darn good. If you want to be models so I can practice, let know. I'm sure thankful for my little family, they are all growing so fast it makes me a little sad. Now I have to decide which picture to use for the cards. Lets put it to a vote! Which one is your favorite?

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Kristi said...

They turned out so cute! You've got some camera skills!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. It looks like you are having a good time with your camera.


Dale said...

Tell Anber to smile,

Lori Thompson said...

Cute, cute, cute! I love the fall theme...When will I be getting one?

thearringtonclan said...

what great pictures... very nice...