Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's about time...

Gabe is 6.5 and until today had not lost any teeth. Weird huh? Heres how our conversation went...Gabe gets into the truck after school and says "mom look, I lost my tooth!" Of course my response is "Cool dude, lets see it." "I can't, I lost it" "I know you lost it, let me see it" "I can't, I lost it in the cafateria. Maybe it got stuck in my food or something." He didn't even realize it was gone till he was back in the classroom!! So, in order for the Tooth Fairy to pay him for his lost tooth he's gonna draw a picture of it and hope she'll still pay him. I'm sure she loves him enough to pay.

1 comment:

Jen said...

that is too funny! i love when they lose lost teeth!