Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cancer Sucks!!

Last October my dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer. He scheduled surgery and until they got in there they didn't know the tumor was the size of a large grapefruit. The tumor grew thru his colon and into his his bladder so he was left with a colostomy bag. Several weeks after his surgery he started chemo and radiation which I'm sure you all have heard that it makes you pretty darn sick. After a year of treatments he went in this last Monday to get rid of the bag and get his insides reconnected. Unfortunately it didn't happen, his colon/rectum was too damaged from the radiation and the surgeon was not able to put things back together. Since he's only 60 he'll have to live alot of years with the bag and that just makes me really sad for him. Right now we're just praying that he has a fast recovery, any extra prayers would be appreciated!


Kristi said...

Man I was hoping for better news. Well, I hope he has a LOT of years with the bag...or that down the road modern medicine comes up with a better solution! Tell him he's in Taz's prayers! :-)

Anonymous said...

Aw, that's so tough. It's hard when you are limited on ways you can help, especially with a dearly loved one- but prayers do work miracles!

SHERI said...

I was sorry to hear the news. Hopefully in time it will be resolved. But it sure hasn't kept him off the golf course. From what I hear- he keeps beating my dad!

Butler Fam said...

Aw, my heart goes out to him! What a trooper. Thanks for keeping us updated ... things take a while to trickle all the way to Texas (if at all). We're praying for him! :o)

Lori Thompson said...

GF! So sorry to hear about your dad. Cancer does SUCK! You're in our prayers, like always!